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Instructions for Oral, Video Presentation and ePoster Abstract Submissions
Please read all the guidance before making a submission
Important Dates
submission closed
Conference date: 08-09/01/2022
​Surgical Topics Considered for Presentations :
How do I do it! Operative Surgery - Teaching Videos presentations.
Surgical Simulation in any speciality, new training models, validation study, pilot study etc
Any subject on surgical education in any speciality
New technology, AR/VR for surgical training
Simulation Training in COVID
Surgeons and Engineers
Technology Enhanced Education - Use of Technology to address current challenges in surgical education (Implementing Technology in Practice)
Future Leaders in Simulation-Based Surgical Education
Team and Non-technical simulation (Changing Culture)
Scientific presentations will take three formats:
Oral/Video (8 minutes PowerPoint presentation + 2 minutes for questions)
Snapshot/Video (4 minutes PowerPoint presentation + 2 minutes for questions)
Poster presentation.
All accepted presentations will be published in the Journal of Surgical Simulation. Accepted poster presentations will also be published on the official conference website.
General Information
Abstract Structure: The abstracts should be structured as following:
Abstract title
All authors: include the full first name and last name and highest academic title, Institution and email address.
Introduction: Indicates the purpose of the study
Methods: Describe study type and design
Results: Summarise the results of the research
Conclusion: State the main conclusions
Presentation type preference
Abstract submissions on previously unpublished scientific work in surgery, surgical or medical education will be considered. Abstracts should be structured (Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions) and not exceed 250 words. Detailed instructions on preparation of the presentations and use of the webinar platform will be sent to all presenters in advance.
Please do not submit an abstract if you do not meet the minimum system requirements for presentation, including a Windows/Mac/Linux PC with PowerPoint installed, a stable internet connection, speakers/headphones, microphone and webcam. Detailed system requirements will become available to all presenters.
Abstracts shall be submitted electronically through the conference website.
The abstract must be written in English.
Abstracts for oral session and electronic poster presentation are limited to 250 words.
One table and/or one image may be included in the abstract and will count as one word each in your word count. Tables/Images must be placed at the end of your abstract.
Abstracts previously published or presented at any other national or international meeting will not be considered.
Other Information
Presenters are only permitted to submit a maximum of 2 abstracts for oral presentation. No limit is set for abstracts submitted for video or e-Poster presentation.
It is the submitting author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar, or scientific fact will be published as typed by the author, if accepted. Poor English may be a cause for rejection.
The submitting author will receive all correspondence concerning the abstract and is responsible for informing the other co-authors of the status of the abstract.
Acknowledgement of abstract submission will be sent to the stated email address. If you do not receive the confirmation within 48 hours of submission, please contact the Abstract Department at
Upon acceptance of the abstract, all presenting authors are expected to register and present their abstract at the conference. Further details of the presentation will be provided with the acceptance notifications.
For Oral/Video presentation:
8 minutes PowerPoint presentation + 2 minutes for questions.
Maximum of 12 slides in a given template.
The orientation should be landscape (16:9).
Page layout must be 33.867cm in width by 19.05cm in height
You can embed audio and video into your powerpoint as long as the overall presentation time does not exceed 8 minutes.
For SnapShot/Video presentation:
4 minutes PowerPoint presentation + 2 minutes for questions.
Maximum of 8 slides in a given template.
The orientation should be landscape (16:9).
Page layout must be 33.867cm in width by 19.05cm in height
You can embed audio and video into your powerpoint as long as the overall presentation time does not exceed 8 minutes.
For Poster presentation:
The orientation should be landscape (16:9).
Page layout must be 33.867cm in width by 19.05cm in height
The poster should only be one slide
Font-Times New Roman is recommended
For embedded images, please use the .jpeg or .png format
The final poster should be submitted in .ppt or .pptx (Powerpoint) format, and should be not larger than 100MB.
All accepted poster presentations will be published in the Journal of Surgical Simulation and will also be published on the official conference website.
Helpful resources:
*How to set up your powerpoint presentation page layout
Open Microsoft powerpoint
Click “Design”
Click “Slide Size”
Click “Custom Slide Size”
Change the the orientation to landscape (16:9)
Page layout must be 33.867cm in width by 19.05cm in height
Once finished, save as .ppt or .pptx format, no larger than 100MB
*How to embed video or audio into your powerpoint