
Captain Gianluigi Zanovello
Former Captain of the Frecce Tricolori (Italian Aerobatic Team) - Experienced in the transfer HF / CRM knowledge from Aviation to Healthcare
Gianluigi Zanovello, 65, worked as a pilot for 45 years. Former Leader and Commander of the Frecce Tricolori - the Italian Aerobatic Team – and Commander of the Air Force Test Center, he’s
been also Instructor, Commander and Head of the Crew Resource Management Dept in Air Dolomiti-Lufthansa Group. For over 15 years he has been actively collaborating with other professional realities, such as Healthcare, to spread the Aviation Safety Culture that equates the
Technical Skills with the Non-Technical Skills and uses essential tools such as Simulation and Checklists. Graduated in Political Science and Aeronautics, he lives in Verona-Italy